A downloadable game

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Ever experienced the battle between your holiday spirit and your beloved cat's quite differing playful instincts around the Christmas tree?

Embark on a mischievous adventure as the adorable cat protagonist determined to conquer the colossal Christmas tree, all for the sake of reaching that shining star at the very top. Embrace the chaos as you dash, jump, and "collect"(destroy)  decorations in this stylized, play-at-your-own-pace vertical platformer.

Navigate through the towering tree, leaping from branch to branch, and make your way around increasing amounts of obstacles, while creating mayhem by dismantling decorations in your path. Each jump brings you closer to your goal, whether you're racing against the clock or aiming to collect every sparkling bauble scattered amidst the branches. 

Can you beat your friends' high scores and become the Tree's most heroic conqueror yet?

Or face the ultimate challenge:
Can you "collect" ALL the glitter balls, while avoiding or conquering "enemies" at the same time, from tree decorations to snow and winds blowing the branches every which way, scrabbling to hold onto them to stay atop - AT THE SAME TIME as you try to make it to the top star in record time?

This is a demo version for a game very much still in development. Stuff might not work as intended, a lot of art (and mechanics) will still be missing or used in unintended ways. You get the gist ;) 

We very much hope to be able to present you with multiple fully-working "tree( level)s" in the end that you can try your paws on, including obstacles, a courage/fear-mechanic not implemented yet, and different styles of level design (everyone who wants to, gets to do their own =D). Better yet, maybe we can even find a way to enable you to make your own?
Right now, though, this is all "pie in the sky".





Joseph Bermudez

Lina Caro

Wasif Imran


Mike (the Tree background)

Conner Hufnagel (animated Cat PC, branch platform art, base bauble)

Joseph Bermudez (level design for this demo)

Luciel  Morgenstern (obstacles, star top, collectibles design iterations, UI art; general game design direction; level design for levels currently unavailable due to technical problems)

(Disclaimer: Not sure who of our team members to credit for the gifts art at the bottom of the tree. Please let me know, if this is yours. ;) )



Marta Kostrzewa

Lina Caro



Lina Caro

Conner Hufnagel

Joseph Bermudez



Marta Kostrzewa



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catvstree2.zip 42 MB

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