"Play as a brain technician in this short puzzle game, trying to make the right connections inside the brain of the affected person - and discover what is going on with them."


Select one of the numbers (1-5) to choose a chapter.

Solve the grids in the respective chapter to get access to the corresponding story. ;)

Grid puzzles:
Use your left mouse button to click a color in the grid, then click adjacent free grid fields to move your connection toward the same-colored node to make a connection between them.
To clear a field of color, left-click on an 'occupied' field once more.

To restart a chapter, click the appropriate number on the left.

Picture scenes on the viewscreen:
Click the "I remember" button with your left mouse button for the narrative to start.

Scroll with your mouse wheel to see the full story chapter! ;)


Connections cannot cross other connections. Connections cannot touch themselves. (Both would scramble them up.)
Connect ALL the appropriate nodes to solve a puzzle, while not letting any connections cross each other.

All grids should be fully solvable. Good luck ;)

[ If you find absolutely no way to solve one and really, really need help, contact me via Discord: ciel_morgenstern ;) ]


Placeholder banner / cover photo:
<a href="<a href=" https:="" de.freepik.com="" vektoren-kostenlos="" vektorillustration-des-abstrakten-konzepts-der-psychotherapie-nicht-pharmakologische-intervention-verbale-beratung-psychotherapie-kognitive-verhaltenstherapie-abstrakte-metapher-fuer-private-sitzungen_12469163.htm#query="alzheimer%20brain&position=35&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=e2e9269f-a327-4fb3-9e1d-068279739d05""></a><a href="<a href=" https:="" de.freepik.com="" vektoren-kostenlos="" infografik-komposition-des-menschlichen-gehirnanatomie-funktionsbereichs-mind-systems-mit-textlegendenschluesseln-und-bunten-bereichen_13740867.htm#page="4&query=brain%20alzheimer&position=38&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=8ddd17e5-a247-4182-833a-7318f41188b0""></a>Picture via Freepik



* advitiya077 (Level Design)

* felixinabox (Narrative; plus 'buttons' for the grid)

* .carlosedge (Music and sounds)

* ciel_morgenstern (Art)

* ayrin261 (Programming, plus last 2 buttons)


License-free REFERENCES (and mostly INSPIRATIONAL pictures used for own hand-drawn, original art) from:

- www.stockfreeimages.com (dreamstime)
- www.freepiks.com
- stock.adobe.com
- www.shutterstock.com

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